About Us - RAY-CORE SIPs ®


Harry Raymond, a premier general contractor with over 50 years of building experience, believed the construction industry needed a better alternative to energy efficient building. RAY-CORE SIPs ® was his solution.  Structural Insulated Panels to last a lifetime... the SIPs with Studs!  Manufacturing Structural Insulated Panels For Over 30 Years!



Ahead of his time and before "green" was the buzzword, Harry conceived and developed RAY-CORE SIPs ® panels in 1987. RAYCORE offers the most innovative, unique and structurally reliable structural insulated panels SIPs in the industry, by manufacturing SIPs with studs molded directly into the panels.

The high R-values of RAYCORE SIP panels along with the tightness of their joints results in significant savings in energy costs over the lifetime of the structure. Studies show that owners can save up to 40% on heating and cooling costs every year. *


Savings of 40% and More.... Highest R-values - Least Expensive SIPs Panel Available! 



Factory Direct Sales - Factory Direct Pricing!

Serving Throughout the United States:

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming and US Territories including Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Samoa and Guam.


Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.


China, Europe, Russia, Africa, Japan, Australia, the Bahamas and Worldwide. 


RAY-CORE Structural Insulated Panels are Different!

Compared to Sandwich Panel SIPs that rely on glue and OSB for the structural integrity of a structure, RAYCORE Structural Insulated Panels SIPs stand out as a leader using the centuries old tried and true reliability of structural members (studs) and have added advanced polyurethane technology to deliver the highest R-value, least expensive per R-value inch SIP in the structural insulated panels industry.

Largest Manufacturer of Structural Insulated Panels from a single location anywhere. See why...

  • Reliability - Time-Proven Reliability of Wood Studs.
  • Strength - You Could Park a Semi Truck on a 4' x 8' Wall Panel.
  • Highest R7 R-value Per Inch - Superior Closed Cell Polyurethane Foam.
  • Radiant Barrier - Reflects Heat & Increases Performance.
  • Least Expensive SIP Per R-value Inch on Market.
  • Factory-Direct Sales and Factory-Direct Pricing - No Middle Man.
  • Extremely Lightweight (54lbs - 3-1/2"x4'x8' Panel) - No Costly Cranes Required.
  • Fast and Easy - Uses Standard Framing Practices.
  • No Expensive Engineering, Special Plans, Special Tools or Special Builders.
  • Conventional Lumber Dimensions - Saves Custom Materials Costs.
  • Exceeds Or Meets All Building Codes - Considered Standard Framing.
  • Do-It-Yourself - DIY Friendly - Any Builder Can Build With RAYCORE SIPs.
  • Perfect Solution for Roof Insulation - Great For New Construction or Retrofit.
  • Problem Free - Unlike the Numerous Problems Associated with Sandwich Panel SIPs.
  • Will Last a Lifetime - Limited Lifetime Warranty!
  • In Business for Over 30 Years - By Far the Best Structural Insulated Panel Available!
RAYCORE Manufactures Panels For Hundreds Of Homes Each Year!

RAYCORE Manufactures Panels For Hundreds Of Homes Each Year!

Manufacturing Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) For Over 30 Years!  The Largest Manufacturer of SIPs From A Single Location!

Manufacturing Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) For Over 30 Years! The Largest Manufacturer of SIPs From A Single Location!

Sales Throughout The US, Canada, and Across The World!

Sales Throughout The US, Canada, and Across The World!


With benefits like these, it's no surprise RAYCORE was Idaho's 2011 Business of the Year.




* R means resistance to heat flow. The higher the R-value, the greater the insulation power. See RAYCORE SIP Panel Specification Sheet or Fact Sheet at: https://raycore.com/technical-data-raycore-sips



This is a short history of how we began and where we are now:


The Beginning Of The Road

Harry Raymond was a man ahead of his time. The late resident of Lock Haven (Pennsylvania) was well known in the region as a home builder, having been a general contractor for 60 years. He was a Kiwanian, a Mason, a Jaycee in his younger years and a member of the board of Lock Haven Hospital. He also developed RAY-CORE Inc. in 1987 with his son, Jeff. His business manufactures energy saving building panels in the Beech Creek Industrial Park. The business of home building isn’t something the elder Raymond takes for granted. He’s busy readying things for future generations, "we just can’t continue to make houses the way our grandfathers did". -THE EXPRESS


Some Friendly ‘Competition’

The company’s exterior wall panel is on display at a home erected at the Clinton County Fair this week... One reason building product companies like county fairs, is consumers often require lots of hands-on education to grasp the advantages and value of new building products, which may offer a major break from ways of building that have been traditional for generations. For RAY-CORE, the educational curve is even greater in the foreign countries, including China, Japan and the Czech Republic, where it is looking into selling its panels, said Holley Groshek, director of export development at SEDA-Council of Governments, which is helping the start-up firm explore exporting. That’s because, unlike here, homes in those countries are usually made with brick and mortar instead of wood, she explained. Yet government officials in many counties are scurrying to find less expensive and wasteful building methods, she added. In China, for example, officials would rather use soil used to make bricks for farming. Groshek praised RAY-CORE for making investments companies often shy from, like paying to take part in foreign trade shows. With her agency’s help, RAY-CORE had a display at the Pennsylvania booth at the Japan Home Show in October. “Those are the things that catch attention,” she said, adding that RAY-CORE’s emphasis on “quality” is another plus, since it’s the password to many foreign business circles. -SUN GAZETTE


Local Firm Designs Foam/Plastic Panels to Outperform Wood

More than seven years ago, Lock Haven builder Harry Raymond decided the future demanded a new – and better – material for constructing quality homes and small commercial buildings. Now he’s embarking on a major marketing campaign to sell the product he believes will fit that need: RAY-CORE panels. Raymond and his associates conceived and designed the RAY-CORE panels themselves. “Now we have a registered trademark,” Raymond says. “We recently had a fourth patent issued. We have a patent in Canada and several pending. It has taken us a long time to bring the product to market because we went through an exhaustive testing and development process. We came up with prototypes and then designed the equipment that could build them.” The panels have been load-tested at Bucknell University and the Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory. They have also been fire-tested and measured for insulation value and screw pulling. The panels meet – or exceed – all requirements. The RAY-CORE plant can manufacture about 40 panels a day – enough to construct a small home. Since the process is not labor intensive, RAY-CORE employs only five workers to make the products... The licensing process has begun, and Raymond has received business inquiries from Japan, Argentina, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Finland, and Canada, as well as from across the U.S.... - PENNA BUSINESS CENTRAL


This House’s A Snap

The experimental house under construction at the grounds of Armstrong World Industries’ Innovation Center in Lancaster features 4’ x 8’ polyurethane foam-core panels. These come to the job site in sections and (as project Chief Dick Fantazier demonstrates) are simply snapped together, replacing the customary wood studding and batt insulation. Called the Susquehanna House, the 2 ½ - story single-family residence is a virtual learning lab for studying new products and building methods. RAY-CORE Inc., a Beech Creek, Pa., outfit that makes patented polyurethane foam panels that are key to the project. Typically, an exterior wall requires a wood frame and an exterior vapor barrier with insulation in between. The foam panels can perform all three functions, and aren’t as prone to flood damage as fiberglass can be, RAY-CORE chief Harry Raymond says. What Raymond’s firm has to offer to the project are insulated wall panels that are stronger than traditional walls, protect better against the elements and provide a better insulation. - WALL STREET JOURNAL


Dwelling On The Future

Though change has been slow in home building, the industry is pushing ahead into the 21st century – with a few successes. Many architects, contractors, building suppliers and environmentalist are struggling to push the home-building business into the 21st century – or at the least the latter half of the 20th – with new technologies, construction methods and materials that might make houses more affordable and more comfortable. There have been a few successes. Homes have become safer and more energy efficient. Builders have adopted new products. In an experimental house in Pennsylvania, walls are made of stiff, heavily insulated RAY-CORE foam panels that can be snapped into place, cutting down on wood and energy consumption as well as construction costs... -LA TIMES


RAY-CORE Teams With White House

RAY-CORE Inc. has been accepted to team with the White House and other government and private sector companies in an effort to improve technology in housing in this country. Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing (PATH) is a public/private sector initiative which seeks to expand the development and utilization of new technologies in order to make American homes stronger, safer and more durable, more energy efficient and environmentally friendly; easier to maintain and less costly to operate; comfortable and exciting to live in. What makes the RAY-CORE panel unique is that the company has taken three labor tasks that are traditionally performed at the job site and combined them into one. A highly insulated RAY-CORE home will save the homeowner up to 50 percent on heating cooling costs for the life of the home.


RAY-CORE assists On An Energy Efficient House

In June RAY-CORE Inc. (Beech Creek, PA) and Superior Walls of America manufacturer Advanced Concrete Systems Inc. (Middleburg, PA) teamed up on a new home for the Tri-County Pennsylvania Chapter of Habitat for Humanity. Habitat organizers were drawn to using these two systems because of their superior energy efficient thermal performance. ABC Oil Co. (State College, PA), Which provided the forced-air heating system for the home, has estimated annual heating costs at less than $200 annually because of the home’s tight envelope. This was particularly attractive for the local Habitat chapter, since the recipients of these homes have in some cases been unable to afford to heat them after obtaining their dream of homeownership. RAY-CORE panels were used in the walls and roof of the structure. Volunteer workers had little trouble learning the basics of setting the 4’x8’ panels, which come with 2x4 studs 16” o.c. Studs are surrounded by a polyurethane foam core that offers an R-value of 26 and are faced with a foil radiant vapor barrier. Not only are these panels easy to install for unskilled laborers, they also require no special tools and because of their light weight (approximately 48 lbs. per panel), no crane was needed during the set. - BUILDING SYSTEMS MAGAZINE


A Loss In The RAY-CORE Family

Harry Raymond (founder of RAY-CORE) was working on a new vision for the business when cancer intervened. As the disease progressed, it forced Harry to slow down and back off from business expansion a little. Harry passed away in 2007, almost a year to the day that his wife died, but thanks to his grandson, the dream lives on and is thriving... -THE EXPRESS


RAY-CORE’S Success Due To Strong Local Housing Market

After two months of preparing the new plant in Idaho Falls, Harry's grandson revives RAY-CORE Inc. and is doing a fine business in today’s energy conscious market. RAY-CORE, Inc., the only company manufacturing structural insulated panels (SIPs) with wooden studs molded directly into the panels, started manufacturing in Idaho at the end of July. Within two weeks, the company had sold 1,000 panels... “The housing market is strong here, and there is a colder climate. There are innovative builders in the area. Our reception has been excellent.”- REAL ESTATE


Building A Dream

RAY-CORE on site of yet another Habitat for Humanity home; Cyndi Fitzpatrick was pinching herself Friday as volunteers raised the exterior walls, made of RAY-CORE panels, of her dream home. By November; the house will be complete and Fitzpatrick and her three children will become the recipients of the 21st local home built by Habitat for Humanity, Idaho Falls. Once Habitat homes are complete, the organization sells the house to the recipient family at cost, often extending zero-interest loans to help families manage the payments. The RAY-CORE panels were an ideal fit for Habitat’s volunteer workers. Not only were the panels easy for unskilled laborers to work with, they required no special tools and because of their light weight, no crane was needed. -THE POST REGISTER


Built From The Ground Up

Even in the middle of the worst economic downturn in decades, RAY-CORE is a profitable and rapidly growing corporation. RAY-CORE has become an international business with orders shipping throughout the U.S., including Hawaii, and to countries such as, Canada, Africa, and China. Coming full circle, this past summer, RAY-CORE shipped a sizable order to Croda, Inc. in Mill Hall, Pa., a former customer from RAY-CORE’s early research and development days. This past fall, RAY-CORE teamed up with the global charity organization Mercy Ships, which is using RAY-CORE panels in movable buildings that are being shipped to Sierra Leone, a country in west Africa, to support doctors helping underprivileged individuals receive quality health care in a sanitary setting. RAY-CORE received an award on Feb. 1 at the SBDC’s 25th anniversary celebration banquet. The SBDC is housed within the college of Business and Economics branch of BSU. - THE EXPRESS SUSQUEHANNA SUNRISE


New Manufacturing Facility

RAY-CORE is blossoming in the economy that is doing anything and everything possible to save money! We have moved into our new beautiful facility to help accommodate our growing demands. -THE POST REGISTER


Sustainable Solution

With energy efficiency at its core, RAY-CORE is proud to have been selected as the structural insulated panel of choice for the University of Minnesota's 6,700 sq. ft. Tashijan Bee and Pollinator Discovery Center. The new building meets National B3 Sustainability Standards as well as State of Minnesota Sustainable Building 2030 requirements. The University's Minnesota Landscape Arboretum explained, "This state-of-the-art venue will showcase the vital importance of bees to agricultural and humanity on the planet. Reflecting University of Minnesota environmental and agricultural research, the center will feature exhibit areas on the social behavior of bees, their vital role as key pollinators of our fruits, vegetables and flowers, the human health benefits derived from bees and bee products and ways to promote bee health."

Over 30 Years and Still Growing

Largest Structural Insulated Panel Manufacturer

Over the years, RAYCORE has become the largest Structural Insulated Panel SIPs manufacturer from a single location.  Producing hundreds of projects each year, RAY-CORE SIPs ™ are the most reliable and trusted SIPs product on the market.  We warrant that for the lifetime of the structure.
(208) 552-2440

Over 35 Years of Customer Satisfaction

Ready to take your call today.

(208) 552-2440