Architects & Engineers

RAYCORE Structural Insulation Panels - SIPS 

The underlying concept to understanding RAYCORE Structural Insulated Panels - SIPs ® is to understand its relationship to conventional framing practices. RAYCORE was intentionally designed to please architects and engineers alike with its simple and conventional design. Superior to conventional sandwich panel or stress-skin panel SIPs that rely on glue and OSB to create the structural envelope, RAYCORE SIP Insulation Panels utilize conventional structural members with high density closed cell polyurethane foam injection molded between the studs, all wrapped up in a radiant foil vapor barrier. Straight, square, stronger and more reliable with no delamination or creep issues, RAY-CORE SIPs ® will be the product of choice when spec'ing your next construction project!


A Few Facts You Might Want To Know

    • Energy efficiency is not on the "wish list" for home buyers today—it is on the ‘MUST’ list.
    • A Neilsen US National Poll cited Energy Efficiency as America's #1 Housing Concern
    • Consumers spend over 241 billion dollars each year on energy for home use.
    • Heating and cooling account for almost half of the average home's utility costs.
    • A typical U.S. family spends over $2000 per year on utility bills.
    • US Residential electricity prices have increased at a rate of 10-11% per year since 2006, and have recently grown to an increase of 13%.
    • DOE states that homeowners may be able to reduce their energy bills from 10% to 50% by taking certain steps - One of the major steps being additional insulation!


The RAYCORE SIP Insulation Panels - SIMPLE

RAYCORE's structural insulated panels are a stick-frame module or panel comprised of polyurethane foam insulation with prepositioned integrated Douglas fir wooden studs.  RAYCORE SIPs utilize wooden studs as their primary structural component and the use of RAYCORE SIP Panels in construction falls under Chapter 6, Section R602 of the International Residential Code (IRC).  Simply stated, the plan design for incorporation of these structural insulation panels mirrors conventional stick-frame design, requiring no special design, engineering, plans, third-party quality assurance, or ICC-ES and other types of special assurance reports.  RAY-CORE SIPs ® are acceptable for use in all code jurisdictions.

The RAYCORE SIP Panel is 4' wide x 8-12' in length and uses prepositioned conventional stud layouts (2x4's, 2x6's, or 2x8's #2 Douglas Fir) with an injection molded class 1 fire rated polyurethane foam insulation between the stud cavities and is wrapped in a foil radiant air barrier. The studs within the panel run lengthwise and can be 16" or 24" o.c., or a staggered 12" o.c. to further reduce thermal bridging. Choice of configuration meets the individual needs of the consumer. A true understanding of this basic structural layout can answer multiple questions going forward.

RAYCORE SIPs Insulation Panels are The Solution for Architects and Engineers


Insulated Wall Panels

RAY-CORE SIP wall panels are subject to the same rules and limits as conventional stick framed walls and should be viewed as such in all engineering and architectural designs. As a rule of thumb, if you can build with stick-framing, you can build with RAYCORE SIPs. All window and door openings are still built on site with headers, king studs, and trimmers. See RAYCORE SIPs Master Spec Sheet.


Insulated Roof Panels

The majority of RAY-CORE structural insulated roof panel and wall panels are identical in design. For typical application, RAYCORE SIP Panels are to be laid perpendicular to rafters or trusses and fastened to the rafters or trusses. For span and load capabilities, refer to your span charts and load tables. RAYCORE uses #2 Douglas Fir 2x4's, 2x6's, & 2x8's, 16" or 24" o.c. and to reduce thermal bridging offers a 12" o.c. staggered stud panel. RAYCORE can replace the #2 Douglas Fir lumber with engineered lumber for greater spans and loads. RAYCORE does not provide engineering per specs/drawings or provide certified advice on span or load capabilities. When required, this is left to the architect or engineer. RAYCORE SIPs Master Spec Sheet.


Technical Data and Design Resources

Visit RAYCORE SIPs Technical Data page for a library of resources including design details and technical data.



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