Benefits of Building An Energy-Efficient Home

Building An Energy Efficient SIPs Home

Building A High-Performance Energy Efficient Home requires a few extra steps and some attention to detail, but in the end any additional time or cost spent will be minimal when building with RAYCORE Structural Insulated Roof and Wall Panels and Insulated Headers, and the outstanding energy saving benefits achieved will pay you back for the lifetime of the home.

Builder’s Benefits:

 Market Differentiation: Distinguish themselves as leaders in energy efficient construction.

  • Market Recognition: Homeowners recognize the brand providing them with a safe, long lasting, energy efficient and comfortable home.
  • Referrals: Happy customers are thrilled to share their energy savings with friends, and quick to share their builder’s contact information as well!
  • Financial & Tax Incentives: Communities, states and federal governments are continually offering financial incentives to builders to offset the cost of building a more energy efficient home.
  • Competitively Priced: It is estimated that the added cost of building with RAY-CORE SIPs ® panels is no more than $1 per square foot of living space.
  • Increased Profits & Faster Sales: Customers want the added value of an energy efficient home and are also willing to pay for it.  This gives the builder a distinct sales advantage, meaning faster sales and increased profit margins.

Homeowners Benefits:

Minimal Cost: Additional initial investment in a home built with RAYCORE Structural Insulated Panels SIPs is minimal, and should cost no more than $1 per square foot of living space—making your home a better value for today.

  • Pays You Back: Recoup that investment within the first year or two of living in the home through savings as a result of lower utility bills.
  • Lower Cost of Ownership: Receive a financial payback each month through lower utility bills for the lifetime of the home.
  • Higher Comfort Level: Enjoy a higher home comfort level, contributing to a better quality of life through: reduced noise from outside; less pollen, dust and insects entering your home; better humidity control; lower chance for roof ice damming in cold and snowy climates; elimination of drafts and cold spaces.
  • Wise Investment: Energy efficient homes have higher resale values and sell more quickly—making your home a better investment for tomorrow!
(208) 552-2440

Over 35 Years of Customer Satisfaction

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(208) 552-2440