Do-It-Yourself Friendly (DIY) SIPs Panels

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  • Integrated Studs1

    Integrated Studs

    RAY-CORE SIPs ® use the proven structural reliability of studs to produce a strong insulated panel that will last the lifetime of your structure. We guarantee it... see our Ltd. Lifetime Warranty!

  • Radiant Air Barrier2

    Radiant Air Barrier

    Keep the summer heat out and the winter heat in, increasing comfort and reducing your utilities. RAY-CORE SIPs ® will save you money each month on utility bills for the lifetime of your home!

  • Easy To Handle Preinsulated Building Panel3

    Easy To Handle Preinsulated Building Panel

    If you can build with sticks, you can build with RAY-CORE SIPs ®. Uses standard framing practices, no special plans, no expensive engineering, no specialized builders, no costly cranes. "Easy-peasy"!

  • Super-Insulating Polyurethane Foam Insulation4

    Super-Insulating Polyurethane Foam Insulation

    RAY-CORE SIPs ® - highest R-value, least expensive Structural Insulated Panel on the market. Get the best for less and save by reducing your HVAC system up to 1/2. Savings could make your panels FREE!



From residential to commercial, no other Structural Insulated Panel - SIPs System offers a more Do-It-Yourself ( DIY ) friendly process than RAYCORE.  With super lightweight panels, standard framing practices, and easy instructions, if you can frame a wall or roof, then you can tackle the most difficult projects and use RAY-CORE SIPs ®.  Print a copy of RAYCORE's Do It Yourself Installation Guide.

This video is for demonstration purposes only. Additional steps might be recommended to achieve best results.


Where Can I Use RAY-CORE Panels?

  • Existing Structures
  • New Construction
  • Remodels
  • Retrofit Roof & Wall Systems
  • Additions
  • Basement Wall Insulation Panels
  • Floor Systems
  • ... And Much More!


RAY-CORE SIPs ® Polyurethane Foam Insulation

This custom blend of polyurethane foam not only produces some of the highest R-values *, it has a low perm rate and will not retain or allow moisture to pass through it so no problems with condensation or mold and mildew.  It also ensures an airtight structure.  Further, it produces all of these benefits while maintaining a Class 1 fire rated standard.  Class 1 means that the foam will not sustain a flame.  Far, far superior to polystyrene foam, RAY-CORE’s quality control standards will not settle for less.

RAYCORE Insulated Panels Studs Configurations 






RAYCORE Utilizes Proven Framing Practices

RAYCORE SIP roof panels and wall panels combine three labor tasks into one smart panel system.  This system utilizes conventional proven building materials: premium Douglas fir members, state-of-the-art high R-value closed cell polyurethane foam, and a foil radiant vapor barrier.  This brilliant panel coupled with jobsite materials; rafters for roofs, double top plates, single bottom plate, headers, king studs, and trimmers for walls will meet all local standard building codes.  Learn More about RAYCORE SIPs Roof Panels or SIPs Wall Panels.


Can I Build With RAY-CORE SIPs Panels?

Although some basic framing knowledge and experience will be required, if you can frame with sticks, you can frame with RAY-CORE SIPs ®.  No special training, special plans, expensive engineering, special tools are required.  RAY-CORE SIPs Panels exceed or meet all building codes and are considered by officials as standard framing.  Utilizing convention framing dimensions, any plans will work.  Browse RAYCORE SIPs "How To Build..." page to learn more about framing with RAYCORE's Structural Insulated Wall Panels and Insulated Roof Panels.


Very Affordable - How Your Panels Could Be Free!

On average it will cost about $1350.00 more on a 1500 sq foot home to use RAYCORE's SIP wall panels than sticks and fiberglass or cellulose. This small investment will pay you back in less than three years and save you money throughout your life.  Because of the high R-values and tightness of the construction, your HVAC system will be reduced in size and the related cost, maybe by as much as 1/2, and the savings might even make the cost of your SIPs panels FREE!  Learn More...


 * R means resistance to heat flow. The higher the R-value, the greater the insulation power. See RAYCORE SIP Panel Specification Sheet or Fact Sheet on RAYCORE SIPs Technical Data page.
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