Insulated Headers

 RAYCORE Insulated Headers

RAYCORE Insulated Headers are a Superior Energy Saving Solution for your Next Build


One of the poorest insulated parts of an exterior wall is the headers above the doors and windows.  With little more than a few insulation R-values for this space, it's much like having a 12" high by 38" hole above your door.  Just think how much space all the windows add up to!  RAYCORE has found a solution for this, offering a high R-value insulated header for this space.  See how RAYCORE can save you hundred, even maybe thousands of dollars in heating and cooling costs each year for the life of your home!

Manufacturing for over 30 years the best Structural Insulated Panel on the market. RAYCORE stands behind its SIP products, offering a lifetime warranty.


Why is RAY-CORE so Smart?

  • Easy to use (Do-It-Yourself friendly)
  • No special design or engineering necessary.
  • Exceeds or meets all codes.
  • Affordable
  • Simply cut to fit jobsite requirements.
  • Decrease your utility bills.
  • Least expensive per R-value inch on the market.


With benefits like these, it's no surprise RAY-CORE was Idaho's 2011 Business of the Year.


Utilizes Proven Practices

RAYCORE Insulated Headers combine labor tasks into one smart insulated header system that is ready to cut and install on any jobsite. This system utilizes conventional proven building materials:  LVL engineered lumber studs coupled with premium Douglas fir top & bottom members, and state-of-the-art custom blend of high R-value closed cell polyurethane foam. This superior header is tough enough for any job.


Do-It-Yourself Friendly

From commercial to residential, no other framing system offers a more "do-it-yourself" friendly process than RAYCORE headers. With easy instructions, if you can frame a wall, then you can tackle the most difficult projects and use RAY-CORE SIPs ®. Learn How!


Very Affordable

On average it will cost about $300 more on a 1500 sq foot home to use RAY-CORE’s headers. That small investment will save you money throughout the life of your home.


RAYCORE Header R-Values *

With most types of insulation, as the temperature drops the R-value increases, but some perform much better than others.  It is important that, when you compare the R-values of different insulations, you know at what temperature the product was tested. In the US, the apples-to-apples R-value standard is ASTM C518, and the test results are reported a temperature of 75°F. In colder climates where your heating costs are high, you might be more interested in the insulation's R-value at maybe 60°F or 40°F or maybe even 20°F.  RAYCORE's custom blend high density closed cell polyurethane foam is the best performing insulator on the market for cold climates! Equally, it is a standout in hot climates as well! 

5.5" Thick Headers For 2x6 Wall Applications.
R18 @ 50°F double LVL

7.25" Thick Headers For 2x8 Wall Applications.
R31 @ 50°F double LVL

Standard Headers


RAYCORE Boxbeam Insulated Header For Doors and Windows

RAYCORE Insulated Headers are available for 5 1/2 inch, and 7 1/4-inch-thick wall applications and come in 12-foot lengths.  Available as a double "box-beam header" manufactured with 9 1/2* inch LVLs to meet or exceed your structural needs. 


*Add 3" to Height of LVL for box beam



* R means resistance to heat flow. The higher the R-value, the greater the insulation power. See RAYCORE SIP Panel Specification Sheet or Fact Sheet RAYCORE’s Technical Data Page.
(208) 552-2440

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