
If you have pictures and testimonials you'd like to share about our product, please send them to RAYCORE SIPs Email to info@raycore.com.  We really appreciate your feedback!

The Ray-Core roof rocks! No icicles to date and the house has a history of some massive ones. Thanks again for the great new roof!

  • John Scott
  • Homeowner & VP Telematic Solutions

From day one my company has been about quality, the customer and how I could save them money. I have always been very interested in building a high energy efficient home. In each of my houses I try to figure out some special thing that will make my spec homes stand out and make them better than the competition. ... cutting heating and cooling bills by 40%... RayCore is a simple way to make my spec homes far superior!

  • Travis Staker
  • Builder - Idaho

The main reason our firm uses the (RAY-CORE) panels is their energy efficiency and insulation value. We want to give our homeowners a home that will not only be comfortable but energy efficient, thus lowering utility bills and saving the homeowner money over the long term. We figure on a 1,600 square foot home the cost to be less than $2000 to build with RAY-CORE SIPs. That can easily be made up in utility bill sin the first couple years of ownership.

  • Tanya Cromwell, President
  • Designer - Idaho Home Design

I can honestly say I enjoyed and benefited more from talking to you than anyone else in sales in recent memory. It is most obvious you enjoy your job; you fully understand your product; you put a sincere emphasis on helping your customer; and you fully understand what is pie in the sky and what is not. Thank You. As I said earlier, I keep a very short list of sources, and you surely have earned your spot in my list.

  • Willis A Foley, Jr.
  • Owner - Solar Hill Farm

I think this is one of the best designs of pre-fabricated foam panels on the market because it is basically a code complying stud wall filled with foam!! Easy-peasy! This is a good wall for all you DIYers as well as contractors wanting to do a super insulated wall system that is a traditional code complying wall except it is pre-fabricated!

  • Dave Merinet
  • Building Code Official

The SIP panels are wonderful. As soon as they were on, before the ply and everything else, we could immediately notice much improved heat retention overnight. We expect the summers to be better as well. My wife and I appreciate your assistance and willingness to answer all our many questions.

  • Peter Lindquist
  • Colorado

It was my responsibility to seek out and develop state of the art products for the building industry. A range of structural insulated panels (SIP) were considered. The reasons for selecting RAY-CORE over sandwich-type SIPs were significant. What we learned: Carpenters quickly learned to use them and liked them. Walls went up fast with insulation and vapor barrier already in place. When the walls were framed they were immediately weather proof. Windows were easily installed. The experience was very positive in all respects.

  • Richard M. Fantazier, Ph.D.
  • General Manager (Retired), Armstrong World Industries, Inc.

I'm grateful that you were able to get the panels to me much earlier than originally stated, and I'm quite happy with the ease and quickness of using these panels.

  • Bill T.
  • Texas

After doing a lot of research with different companies for SIPs options for our home, we are extremely grateful to have learned about your company. You've done an excellent job helping us make the right decision. We are impressed with the R-value of your panels in comparison with others that were much thicker and more expensive. Thanks for your assistance, and we look forward to receiving your panels in a few weeks!

  • Mitchell, Danielle Rose and baby Agnes Rosemary
  • Homeowner, Michigan

The project went very well and was completed many months ago to the satisfaction of the homeowner.

  • Neal Silverman
  • Four Seasons Sun Rooms, Oxnard, California

My current roof is failing due to extreme heat we have been experiencing and instead of just replacing what I had, decided to do something about this southern heat. Contacted several people who work with SIPS and several companies. Finally, liked what I saw on your site, it made the most sense. Got myself on a blog and actually saw your product suggested and well liked. In walks Bryan [spoke on the phone with RAY-CORE sales representative] and immediately felt confidence in his knowledge and never found reason, to regret my decision. So, this week the roof work will start and next summer, I expect a more comfortable upper floor and a smaller electric bill

  • Doreen Mundie
  • Homeowner, Tryon, North Carolina

Thanks again for another great new roof! RAYCORE Rocks! (Second Scott Project!)

  • John Scott
  • Homeowner and Vice President, Location and Telematics Solutions

Working with the RAY-CORE team was really simple. ...the order was delivered on time. The RAY-CORE walls were assembled and stood up in a few days. ...the subcontractors were interested in the RAY-CORE SIPs, and they had no issues working with them. The framers were impressed with the extra stability and how light the panels were to move around. The plumbers, electricians and others commented on how much easier it was to work with the panels than they initially appeared. We moved into our home in March. Bluffdale is at the south end of Salt Lake valley and we get a lot of wind in that area. During the heaviest spring storms, the RAY-CORE panels kept our house nice and quiet compared to other traditionally framed homes we've been in. ...our heating and cooling hasn't had to work as hard, and it has stayed cool during the hot Utah summer. We love our RAY-CORE home!

  • Caleb and Heather Silvey
  • Homeowner, Bluffdale, Utah

After 37 years experience, over 3,000 homes, I spent 2 years researching the market for affordable, energy efficient products for the emerging wave of "green housing". I use the RAY-CORE panel because you know in your heart, when using the RAY-CORE panel; you have given the structure and the buyer, a gift that keeps on giving, (savings) every day for the life of the structure. My total electric home has run about $200 a month for 38 years. If I had RAY-CORE panels for those 456 months my bill would have been cut in half, a savings of $45,600 that could have been invested elsewhere, not to mention the energy saved and the pollution prevented.

  • Ken Auvil
  • Homeowner, W.V. Green, West Virginia

With RAY-CORE I am able to build 16x100 lineal feet of wall sheeted and installed with 2 men in just 8 hours.

  • Mark Andrew
  • Owner, Alpine Timber Frame & Truss

We had to break out the old tools today for this old farm house... Thanks for a seamless transaction.

  • Jeff Francis
  • Quality Building Virginia Beach
(208) 552-2440

Over 35 Years of Customer Satisfaction

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