RAYCORE SIP Panel Installation Overview
RAYCORE SIP Panels are installed using conventional construction tools, materials and practices per UCC, IBC, IRC, ICC, and NBC standards and codes. RAYCORE Structural Insulated Panels are to be combined with standard dimensional lumber studs, plates, nailers, headers and sills, sheathing, construction adhesive, vapor sealing tape and appropriate fasteners, etc., as required, supplied onsite by the builder.
Installation of the RAYCORE SIP Panels shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s published instruction, utilizing conventional construction materials, methods and practices. Furthermore, all methods and practices should comply with engineers or architect’s specifications, and conform to national, state, and local building code requirements. No recommendations in this guide should supersede those specifications and requirements. Deviations from standard and conventional building methods and practices should be calculated, specified, signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer or architect.
Items You Will Want to Have Onsite at The Time of the SIP Panel Installation:

Additional Contruction Materials required for installation of the SIP Panels:
Foam-friendly Construction Adhesive (Liquid Nails or equal)
Polyurethane Canned Foam (Great Stuff or equal)
Inexpensive Flexible Caulk
Vapor-Proof Tape (FSK tape can be supplied by RAYCORE)
SIP Panel Screws Appropriate Length For 2" Penetration (Can be supplied by RAYCORE)
Installation Tools:
Standard Framing Tools are used for Installation of the RAYCORE SIP Panels.
A Circular "Panel" or "Beam" Saw is most commonly used to cut the panels. 10-1/4" saws will usually cut through the 3-1/2" panel at 90 degrees. Angle cuts may require a larger saw. A "16 inch" (16-5/16") saw is generally used for the 5-1/2" or 7-1/4" panels at 90 degrees. If you want to cut all the way through the 7-1/4" panels in one pass, you could look at a "Prazi" brand beam cutter blade that will attach to your circular saw. (You also might consider renting a saw from your local equipment rental shop. Give them a call.)
Printable RAYCORE SIP Panel Installation Guide:
A Printable .pdf Copy of the RAY-CORE SIPs ® Installation Guide is available on the Technical Data Page Under "Build", or Simply Click Here.
Click Below for More RAYCORE SIPs "How To"
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